WWE NXT Results (12/19/23)

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/12/23)

Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley

Stratton and Henley trade strike attempts, but it leads to a stalemate. Basement dropkick by Henley. Henley tries a springboard, but Stratton pushes her to the floor. Stratton slams Henley into the ring apron before sending her back into the ring. Stratton works over Henley. Henley lands ten punches in the corner, followed by a rana. Henley hits the ropes and gets dropped with a nasty spinebuster. Stratton only gets a near fall. After several pin attempts and reversals, Henley gets a three-count with a sunset flip.

Winner- Fallon Henley

After the match, Stratton assaulted Henley, dragging her backstage and wiping her with a dirty mop. As referees try to pull Stratton back, she empties a trashcan all over Henley.

In-Ring Segment: Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov says he has no idea how he got caught up in Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes’ drama. Ridge Holland appears and hops in the ring. Holland says he doesn’t know where he’s headed but is back in NXT to redeem himself. After some back and forth, Dragunov agrees to give Holland a match tonight.

Backstage, Trick Williams runs up to Dragunov and demands to know why he gave Holland a title shot. Dragunov says he’s the champion, and he dictates what happens. Williams says until New Year’s Evil. Dragunov says they will see.

Men’s NXT Breakout Tournament: Dion Lennox vs. Lexis King

King lands a clothesline and a chop in the corner. King is all over Lennox. Lennox fires up as King lays in a few kicks. Lennox counters a kitchen sink into a roll-up for a near fall. Stinger splash by Lennox. Lennox hits a suplex with a bridge for a two-count. King tries to leave the ringside area, but Lennox drags him back to the ring. King sends Lennox into the ring post. Lennox stumbles into King’s finish. King pins Lennox.

Winner- Lexis King

After the match, Trey Bearhill hits the ring with a chair. King runs away.

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne vs. Kiana James and Izzi Dame

Riley Osborne is in the Chase U student’s section cheering on Hail. Hail sends Dame flying with a hip toss. Dame decks Hail. Dame lays Jayne out with a clothesline. James and Dame take turns working over Jayne. Jayne manages to tag in Hail. Hail clears the ring. Dame gets a blind tag. Hail traps James in the Kimura. James taps, but she isn’t legal. Dame boots Hail in the face and pins her.

Winners- Kiana James and Izzi Dame

Men’s NXT Breakout Tournament: Luca Crusifino vs. Tavion Heights

Next up, Dragon Lee will defend the North American Championship against one member of the No Quarter Catch Crew.

NXT North American Championship Match Dragon Lee vs. Charlie Dempsey

As Dempsey steps up, Gallus’ music hits. Joe Coffey says he didn’t hear a bell and this is supposed to be an open challenge. Lee says he’ll take them both on.

NXT North American Championship Match Dragon Lee (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey w/ NQCC vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus

Coffey gets sent out of the ring. Lee lands a rana on Dempsey. Coffey hits a backbreaker on Lee and Dempsey. Wolfgang trips Lee from outside but gets caught by the referee. The referee kicks Gallus from the ringside area. Lee sticks a snap German suplex. Dempsey breaks up the pin with a gut-wrench suplex. After the break, everyone lands a big move. Coffey takes out Lee and Dempsey with a dive. Joe Gacy crawls from under the ring and smiles… then crawls back under the ring. Coffey tries to get back in the ring but gets pulled under by Gacy. Lee hits the Destino for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Dragon Lee!

After the match, Gacy crawls from under the ring and runs away. Drew Gulak and Co. attack Lee. Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro make the save.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Crusifino works over Heights. Heights fires up and lands a flurry of suplexes. Heights hits the ropes and hits a rolling belly-to-belly for the win.

Winner- Tavion Heights

Backstage, Nikkita Lyons tells Lyra Valkyria that she’ll take care of Tatum Paxley for her tonight. Lyons returned to NXT to get her hands on Blair Davenport and win the NXT Championship. Valkyria nods.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Tatum Paxley

Paxley tries to crawl through Lyons’ legs. Lyons does a split to block Paxley’s path. Lyon kicks Paxley in the head. The fight spills out of the ring. Paxley slams Lyons hand into the ring apron. Paxley works over Lyons’ injured hand. Lyons lands a head kick followed by her split leg drop for the win.

Winner- Nikkita Lyons

Hank and Tank vs. Gallus

Wolfgang and Hank trade strikes. Hank lands a senton for a near fall. Tank tags in and floors Mark Coffey with a shoulder block. Gallus takes control after a distraction from Wolfgang. Mark and Wolfgang take turns working over Hank. Hank tags in Tank, but the referee doesn’t see it. The referee makes Tank leave the ring. In confusion, Mark drops Hank with a head kick for the win.

Winners- Gallus

Joe Gacy is watching Joe Coffey from the Chase U student’s section.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Ridge Holland

Holland tosses Dragunov all over the ring. Dragunov surprises Holland with the Constantine special. Dragunov lays in a few chops, Holland tries a boot, but Dragunov catches it. Holland manages an Alabama slam. Dragunov responds with a leaping boot. Dragunov hits two German suplexes. Holland fights out of a third German suplex by Dragunov. Holland misses a clothesline and eats another German suplex. After the break, Dragunov hits the H-Bomb but can’t make the cover. Holland lands a clothesline. Holland tries a deadlift suplex. Dragunov tries to fight out of it. Holland drops Dragunov with a modified 187 DDT. Dragunov is clutching at his neck. The referee holds Holland back and calls for medical assistance.

No Contest

Dragunov is taken out of the ring on a stretcher as Holland looks on.

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