Mushrooms Growing in Basement Carpet This is caused because the carpet is damp or wet, or at least it was at one time. A leak or high humidity levels in the air could cause the carpet to become damp. Once the carpet is removed, you can then work at properly cleaning the mold on the floor.Click to see full answer. Simply so, how do I get rid of mushrooms in my carpet? Lift, Vacuum, Steam Clean With the largest chunks removed, start vacuuming the mold. Once most of the mold is vacuumed up, you can steam clean the carpet to blast out the remnants of mold and clean them away. Run a dehumidifier in the area to remove any residual moisture and stop the growth.Subsequently, question is, why are mushrooms growing in my house? Mushrooms in the home are a sign that moisture is present. Mushrooms grow in areas that are moist and provide a food source, along with oxygen and an ideal temperature. If they are growing in your home, it is advantageous to remove them, as they can be dangerous if eaten and bring mold in. Accordingly, is carpet fungus dangerous? Carpet Mold: Identification, Prevention and Removal. Molds produce allergens, which are substances that can cause allergic reactions, as well as irritants and, in some cases, potentially toxic substances known as mycotoxins. Molds can also cause asthma attacks in people with asthma who are allergic to mold.Is mushroom mold dangerous? Health Effects of Mold Mushrooms Just like the fungus they emerge from, these mold mushrooms are toxic and harmful to humans and animals alike. What of the main health issues mold mushrooms can cause is a respiratory illness. This gets characterized by coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or asthma-like symptoms.