The Mysterious Disappearance Of Elizabeth Campbell Explained

Although the fliers led to several reported sightings of Campbell with a “rough-looking man,” Unsolved Mysteries writes that police did not think these sightings were legitimate or relevant. Her parents, however, felt that they were, and ultimately believed that Campbell had been kidnapped and forced into prostitution (via Unsolved Mysteries Wiki). Per Jenn Baxter, her father, Tom Campbell, poured thousands of dollars into searching for his daughter — to no avail. In May 1992, a strange discovery was made. Campbell’s purse was found at the Crockett County Sheriff’s Office in Ozona, Texas.

According to The Charley Project, this was odd as Ozona was over 100 miles away from Copperas Cove, where Campbell was last seen. It’s unknown how or when it got there. There was also no physical evidence of her disappearance. Inside, the purse had her Social Security card, her ID, and a credit card (per KBTX). As of 2022, Campbell is still considered a missing person, though police don’t believe she is still alive. If she is, Campbell would be 54 years old. Tom Campbell died in 2018. 
