Patriarchal blessings available online - Church News

Church members can now view their own patriarchal blessings online and request the patriarchal blessings of deceased direct-line ancestors by virtue of one of two new tools the Church announced Dec. 28.

The other tool digitizes the recommendation process priesthood leaders use for patriarchal blessings.

The new tools are available via one’s LDS account log-in on a new landing page on the Church’s website, As explained on the Church History website, personal blessings will be made available online via Blessings of deceased direct-line ancestors will be sent via postal or electronic mail.

“Because of the sacred nature of patriarchal blessings, every request is carefully researched and verified by a staff member at the Church History Library. Personal blessing requests that have been fulfilled since 2011 are already available through,” the website explains.

With the online submission tool available to priesthood leaders and patriarchs, “bishops and branch presidents submit recommendations online where patriarchs can see who has requested a blessing. After giving the blessing, the patriarch submits the blessing text with header information to the Church History Library via the online tool. Blessings are stored in the library’s digital preservation system in multiple formats and storage locations, including the Granite Mountain Records Vault. In January 2015, the tool was released to more than 50 percent of stakes in English, Spanish and Portuguese. In coming months, the tool will be made available to every stake and will be available in 14 languages.”

In addition to being the starting point for member requests and ecclesiastical submissions, the new landing page “presents information about the significance of patriarchal blessings, and provides user support and answers to frequently asked questions.”

It is available in 14 languages and is designed for desktop and mobile devices (iOS and Android).
