David Bosecker Obituary, Eastland County Sheriffs Officer Has Died


David Bosecker Obituary, Death Cause – We are forced to break the news to you with a heavy heart that an Eastland County Deputy has passed away after being slain in the line of duty. We are deeply sorry for your loss. On the evening of Friday, July 21, 2023, at nine o’clock at night, deputies from the Eastland County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint regarding a domestic dispute that was taking place at a property that was located on Highway 183 between Cisco and Rising Star. The caller said that the argument was taking place at a residence on either side of the highway. Deputy David Bosecker was the first law enforcement officer to arrive to the scene, and almost as soon as he did.

The suspect began firing on him. Deputy Bosecker was struck by a vehicle and finally succumbed to the injuries he sustained as a result. Additional units that came on the scene were successful in apprehending the suspect, and there were no reports of anyone else being injured as a result of the event. The individual who is suspected of killing a member of the legislature was taken into custody and then placed into the Stephens County Jail. As part of an ongoing investigation, the Texas Rangers are currently carrying out this investigation on their own.

Deputy Bosecker has been employed in the field of law enforcement for over 21 years, and he has worked his way up through the ranks to become a Master Peace Officer. In the early stages of his career in law enforcement, he began by working as a deputy in Wise County. Subsequently, he moved on to a position with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. In his later years, he would serve as a Game Warden for Texas Parks and Wildlife and as a Police Officer for the Comanche Police Department. Both of these jobs were in Texas. In 2021, he began working for Eastland County as a deputy, and in addition to that, he worked as a marine enforcement officer for Cisco Police Department on the side. He began both of these jobs simultaneously.
