BYU announces major changes to student housing program, effective fall 2022

Brigham Young University officials announced changes Thursday to the university’s long-standing student housing policy.

Starting in fall semester 2022, a sizable portion of undergraduate single students will no longer be required to live in BYU on-campus or BYU off-campus contracted housing.

On Sept. 23, school leaders announced that undergraduate, single students can live anywhere after completing their first two semesters at the Church-owned school. Graduate students and married students have always been able to live anywhere.

Additionally, BYU off-campus contracted housing will be available only to BYU students. Details about eligibility for BYU off-campus contracted housing are available on the Off-Campus Housing website.

“These decisions were made in an effort to better serve our students and provide them with more options,” said BYU Student Life Vice President Julie Franklin in Thursday’s announcement. “We have been hearing from and listening to our students’ concerns with BYU’s 2-mile housing radius. Beginning in fall 2022, students who have completed their first two semesters at BYU will enjoy greater flexibility when choosing where to live.”

In updating BYU’s housing policy, school leaders also considered the challenges that third-party, off-campus landlords face when requiring non-BYU students to abide by the Church Educational System’s Honor Code and BYU’s student housing policies.

Commenting on the continued requirement that BYU students live their first two semesters in BYU housing or off-campus contracted housing, Franklin pointed to research that “repeatedly shows that students who initially have this close association with their fellow students have a better and more successful college experience.”

Single, undergraduate BYU students can still choose to live in BYU on-campus or BYU off-campus housing after their first two semesters. Meanwhile, single students who choose to live in non-contracted off-campus housing after their first two semesters will continue to be required to abide by the honor code and the university’s student housing policies.

BYU students were notified of the forthcoming housing options via email. Additional information regarding Thursday’s announcement is available at

The school has also notified landlords of BYU off-campus contracted housing of the future changes. Such landlords who desire to participate as a BYU off-campus housing provider should contact the school’s housing office by Oct. 15, 2021, according to the announcement.

Thursday’s announced changes only apply to BYU. No changes are being made to student housing policies or programs at BYU-Hawaii, BYU-Idaho or Ensign College.
