Big Brother 25 spoilers for Week 11 come directly from the Secret HOH.
As part of the Power of Invisibility twist, the latest Head of Household remained a secret.
Well, it remained a secret for a few hours.
Jag Bains won the latest HOH Competition to take power. He has been dubbed an Invisible HOH, making his decisions from the shadows.
Jag immediately told Matt Klotz about winning the power and later revealed his secret to other houseguests as well (Bowie Jane, Cory Wurtenberger, and America Lopez).
He then nominated Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon for eviction.
A Double Veto twist and house chaos
Everyone got to play for the Power of Veto on Saturday (October 14). During an intense challenge, two houseguests won the Power of Veto.
Blue and Jag each had a Veto Necklace when the Big Brother live feeds returned. This sets the stage for an exciting Veto Meeting.
Jag has a plan. But he also told Cirie Fields and Blue that he was the HOH.
By telling people he was the Secret HOH, Jag has complicated things for himself.
What will happen at the Secret HOH Veto Meeting?
Blue will save herself from the block at the Veto Meeting.
Jag then has to name a replacement nominee for Blue’s spot.
And since Jag also has a Power of Veto, he can take Felicia off the block and go after a different target.
Jag told Blue that he would put Cory and America on the block.
The chat between Jag and Blue took place early on Sunday morning (October 15).
Below is a video clip of Jag talking to Blue, and she gets very excited about the news.
If Jag makes this move, Cory or America becomes the second BB25 jury member.
But will he follow through with this plan? Jag gave away his anonymity. So Cory and America would know he had targeted them.
And then it is up to the voters which part of that showmance joins Cameron Hardin in the jury house.
News and notes from Big Brother
Michael Bruner from Big Brother 24 got married. The BB24 competition beast got married on Friday the 13th.
Cameron Hardin did an interesting Big Brother exit interview. He spoke about who he feels is playing the best and worst game but also shared his regrets.
In the Big Brother house, a member of the BB25 said they wanted to go home.
Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.